Peiyang Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.
LNG Plant

LNG Plant

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Process of LNG Plant

After compression, the feed gas is processed by dehydration and heavy hydrocarbon separation units. Please see the attached PFD. Process description is detailed as follows:
  • Feed gas compress unit
After measuring, the feed gas flows into the compress unit, and boosts the pressure to 2.4Mpag, pressurized gas flows into the dehydration unit.
  • HDU: Dehydration Unit

Remove H2O in the feed gas, output dry gas and control dew point lower than -80℃.

Dehydration Unit
After gas sweetening unit (GSU), next process is dehydration unit (DHU). DHU is used to meet water content in the specification, and it can reduce water to 1ppm. The technology adopted is temperature swing adsorption (TSA).

  • LQU: Liquefaction Unit

Liquefaction technology is based on refrigeration cycles, which takes hot and pretreated feed gas, cools and condenses it to cryogenic temperature into liquid product. Refrigerant is a part of natural gas, R22 and ethylene fluid being continuously recirculated.

3D Model of DHU

DHU: Dehydration Unit

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