Peiyang Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.
CNG Plant

CNG Plant

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Complete Flow Chart of a Flare Gas Recovery Unit

CNG Compress Unit

Rich methane gas meets with rich gas ethane reheated by cooling heat exchanger, this steam of gas flows through the CNG compressor to increase pressure to 25Mpag, CNG product can be obtained.

The compressor skid adopts motor drive, and an ASPRO piston dynamic balance less oil lubrication type compressor. The drive is completely explosion-proof motor, its security level is class 1. Motor is connected to the compressor by belt wheel, and by aligns laser alignment instrument. Natural gas is cooled by the interstage air coolers. Gas collected by the downtime interstage gas collecting device will directly enters to the compressor's input pore at the next start. What’s more, there’re interstage liquid-gas separators and last stage gas scrubbing device. At compressor downtime, these devices will bring the impurities within the system to the recovery tank by gas flow. All the automatic valve drive is driven by the natural gas in the recovery tank, an external air compressor is unnecessary. The whole compressor system is installed on a steel structure, the control panel is at the side.
The pressurized CNG is filled to gas tanker by gas filling column.

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