木箱包装招标文件 招标编号:ZBPCC211202 天津市天大北洋化工设备有限公司 日期:2021年12月2日 第一章 投标邀请书 1、招标范围:本招标为2022年度包装箱供应商名录招标,包括普通木箱、出口木箱及相关服务。2、投标人资格要求:(1)在中国境内注...
金属钢板招标文件招标编号:ZBPCC211124天津市天大北洋化工设备有限公司日期:2021年11月24日第一章 投标邀请书1、招标范围:本招标为2022年度材料供应商名录招标,包括钢材的供货、装车、运输及相关服务。(供货规格见附件六)2、投标人资格要求:(1)在中国境内...
天津市天大北洋化工设备有限公司出售金属废品招标 招标编号:ZBPCC211101 天津市天大北洋化工设备有限公司日期:2021年10月22日 一、投标须知前附表序号项目招标项目综合说明1项目名称金属废品招标2招标形式邀请招标3投标...
Adopt differential pressure coupling double-effect energy-saving technologies, feedstock pump into two columns simultaneously, reduce 35% heat, and use APC advanced control method to realize full automatic control.
The owner requests the COD of wastewater containing oil fall from 4000ppm to below 200ppm. After our experiments and process simulation, the device can handle the COD below 100ppm.
The client provided the tail gas component and the local emission requirements. The discharge tail gas content is much lower than local emission standard This project was delivered within 45 days, finished installation and commissioning in 5 days.
The owner is the largest pharmaceutical intermediates Cephems in China. The feed is acetone mixed gas. The client requested that the yield is 95%, the purity is above 90%, the tail gas VOC is below 80PPM (mg/m3). The purity of our experiment and process c